2024 is here and it’s coming in hot!
So I just wanted to give an update. The holidays were almost relaxing for us haha. But we kept ourselves busy.
First, ‘Nightmares in Technicolor’ (album #7) is ready to start coming out. First single is actually on Wednesday (1/24). We’ll be releasing a single every 5 weeks this year, culminating in the final album on October 30th (the spooky season felt appropriate for this one).
We’ve been rehearsing a lot lately, which has been really refreshing. Everyone in Johnny Stranger has a really cool day gig that has made scheduling difficult. But everyone is giving it their all and we are insanely excited to start playing Los Angeles again.
Our other albums are doing great as well. The next album (#8) is currently tracked and I’m laying down vocals while Adal adds textures. We’re all really happy with this record and we’re excited to start releasing songs from there. Our goal is to start that release campaign in January 2025.
At the Beat Farm with Brad and Alan.
The following records (9-12) are all mostly demoed in one fashion or another. I refine them when I can, with an eye towards the more immediate releases. But we’re on track to just keep releasing new music for the foreseeable future. Until we finish in 2032 haha.
Zoom session with Adal.
But it’s not all new! We are sitting on the original 4 albums and I’m planning a box set for those (which has been a lot of fun to put together). We might release them sooner… but it feels kind of right to release the box set for the JS 20-year anniversary (our debut was released in 2006). We’ll see how things shake out.
But anyway, that’s our status update for now. We are all happy and excited to be making these tunes for you all so thank you for listening, sharing, and wearing our t-shirts! Haha.